9 Incredible Health Benefits of Pomegranate

The pomegranate fruit has been used for hundreds of years as traditional medicine in many parts of the world.. Its therapeutic properties that are helpful in reducing the risk of various serious ailments like cardiovascular, cancerous and other inflammatory markers. In this article we are going to discuss 9 Health Benefits of Pomegranate.

Pomegranates are packed with of nutrients like protein, antioxidants, vitamin and minerals. The antioxidants in pomegranate juice can protect us from free radicals, protect cells from damage, and reduce various inflammations.

9 Incredible Health Benefits of Pomegranate
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1. Control Diabetes and Blood pressure

Studies have revealed that people with type 2 diabetes who began to drink pomegranate juice showed an improvement in insulin sensitivity. It contain soluble fibers that normalize blood sugar levels

According to a Study pomegranate juice daily may also help to lower systolic blood pressure. People with hypertension showed a significant reduction in blood pressure risk heart by regular intake of pomegranate juice.

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2. Healthy Heart

Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants which help to inflate the level of oxygen in body. It also acts as a ‘thinning agent for your blood’. It stops your blood platelets from forming blood clots inside our body. Blood coagulation in heart and arteries could be fatal in nature.

Punic acid helps in reductions of bad cholesterol particles from oxidation one of the major factor towards heart disease. Studies have shown that the pomegranate juice improves the blood circulation.

The anti-oxidants present in pomegranate prevents bad cholesterol { LDL} from oxidizing. Thus, Adding pomegranates in your diet stop the stiffening of artery walls commonly called as Atherosclerosis.

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10 Incredible Health Benefits of Pomegranate
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2. Improve fertility

Pomegranate juice’s concentration of antioxidants and ability to reduce oxidative stress and fights erectile dysfunction. including erectile tissue. Studies Oxidative stress can impair blood flow in body to cause sperm dysfunction and decrease fertility in women.

Pomegranates helps to increase the sperm count, testosterone levels in men and egg potency in women. Moreover, it could also boost up your reproductive health by pumping up blood circulation to the genital organs.

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reduces stress
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3. Strengthen bones & muscles

Pomegranates are loaded with dietary nitrates, which have been exhibited to enhance your stamina and performance during physical workout. Drinking pomegranate juice before exercise remarkably improve the blood flow but also delays the onset of tiredness.

Pomegranate may improve exercise performance by increasing blood flow and help to reduce bone loss also known as osteoporosis. They are rich in multivitamins and Multi nutrients like vitamin A. vitamin C, vitamin E, Vitamin K and potassium, folic acids respectively,

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4. Improve Your Memory

According to a study. drinking pomegranate juice daily boost learning and memory, The antioxidants like polyphenols can stall the progress of Alzheimer disease and protect memory loss. Pomegranates also helps to reduce cortisol, a stress hormone

As per a research pomegranate is good for boosting memory. It can control memory loss in post heart surgery scenario as well. significantly. It can considerably improved markers of verbal and visual memory.

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increases memory power
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5. Prevent Arthritis

Anti-inflammatory properties of the pomegranate can decrease joint tenderness, swelling, and pain. Pomegranate can prevent cartilage degeneration which is a key driver for causing rheumatoid Arthritis

Pomegranate fruit is rich in antioxidant called flavanols that can reduce the inflammation that contributes to osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and different joint swallowing.

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6. Skin & Hair Growth

Antioxidants present in crunchy and juicy pomegranate seeds help to fight acnes and pimples by preventing inflammation. Pomegranate peel face pack can nourish dry and dull skin. Provide moisture to your skin.

It shields our body from free radicals which are responsible for premature ageing.When applied topically, can improve skin’s texture and glow. Natural cleanser dead skin removal, and remove blackheads.

Antioxidants present in pomegranates makes hair follicles stronger and improve blood flow in the scalp which help to stimulate hair growth.

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long and strong hair:  Benefits of Pomegranate
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7. Anti Cancerous

Pomegranates are rich in Polyphenol decelerate cancer cell growth, keep a check on DNA mutations. Pomegranates helps to halt the growth of cancerous cells by inducing apoptosis.

These anti carcinogenic properties for ex : prostate cancer in men and  breast cancer in women. Different studies show pomegranates potential to combat lung, and colon cancers as well.

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8. Promote Oral Health

Phytochemical compounds like hydroalcoholic extract present in pomegranate have antiplaque effects. It lowers dental plaque formation due to microorganisms build up. This Antimicrobial property of pomegranate may be useful against gum infections.

The anti bacterial and anti fungal properties of pomegranate helps to fight against any oral infections. It protect us against inflammations like gingivitis, periodontitis and denture stomatitis etc.

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10 Incredible Health Benefits of Pomegranate
Image Credit : pixabay.com

9. Improves Digestion

Pomegranate juice can reduce gastrointestinal inflammation and improve digestion. Pomegranate juice have anti-inflammatory properties due to of high concentration of antioxidants. It can help to prevent Inflammatory bowel diseases like diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis. Fiber present in pomegranate makes digestion slower, which helps you feeling belly full for longer.

Phytonutrients like flavonoids and punicalagins have anti-inflammatory effects. These dietary antioxidants can prevent Chronic inflammation that leads to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity and cognitive diseases Studies have Pomegranate juice per day lowered the inflammatory markers.

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Due to the high fiber content, it also helps in smoothening bowel movement which further helps in treating constipation. Can help in keeping blood pressure under control only contains very little fat with the calorie count thus, promote weight loss.” The skin of the pomegranate is thick and inedible, which have potent medicinal properties.

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